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La Jornada de Gestión de Riesgo de Arbolado Urbano de Bilbao, se abrirá con la ponencia del Dr. Alessandro Pestalozza



1ª Ponencia 10:20 a 11:05 

“Un nuevo enfoque para la evaluación de la estabilidad de arbolado” 

(A new approach to Tree Stability Assessment)




Alessandro Pestalozza

Doctore Agronomo. Consulente in gestione e progettazione del verde. Esperto in arboricoltura. Socio fondatore della Società Italiana di Arboricoltura ed ex vicepresidente. Già Docente a contratto in verifica della stabilità degli alberi presso la facoltà di agraria dell’Università di Pisa. Dendrotec.





2000 to 2016.- Currently perform activities as Tree Consultant. The business carries out consultancy work for various Communities (Milan, Rome, Turin, Genoa, AlexandroPestazolaConCascoImola) on topics related to management and planning of interventions concerning trees and urban green areas in general.

Founding partner in addition to being Technical Director and Managing Director of Denrotec Srl started in 2005 to carry out operative activities in the sphere of ornamental arboriculture for sales and assistance in the distribution of instrumentation associated with the verification of tree stability; specialized interventions in arboriculture such as tree-climbing, monumental tree transplants with patented Tree platform systems.

Member of the European Arboriculture Council in quality of Certification Session Supervisor for obtaining the title of European Tree Worker.

2000 to 2004.- From 2000 to 2004 beyond being a founding partner was the Vice President of the Italian Arboriculture Society (SIA chapter ISA) responsible for the Technical Commission of Tree Stability. In quality of member of the Board of Directors of ISA I was the Italian representative in the European Arboriculture Council. From 1994 taught at the School of Agriculture at Monza Park specialized in technical evaluation inherent to tree stability. From 1999 was professor at the Pisa University of Agriculture where I taught tree stability evaluation control techniques in the faculty of Agricultural Science. Member of the Editorial Staff of Acer magazine.

1985 to 1992.- From 1985 to 1990 was responsible for the Research & Development team at Sandvik Process Systems in their Agro-Industrial sector. Performed duties worldwide (Russia, Poland, Hungary, South Korea, Australia, Sweden, Germany) setting up agro-industrial plants and scientific symposiums.

From 1990 to 1992 performed duties as the Italian Sales & Marketing manager

1992 to 2000.- From 1993 was employed and became partner at Demetra Cooperative in Besana Brianza (MI). Participated at various training courses held in Germany under the supervision of the well-known plant pathologist and plant stability expert Dr. Dengler. Carried out first inspectorial activities relative to plant stability evaluation techniques with the VTA method.

In 1994 attended two courses relative to VTA method training and data interpretation held by the physicist and inventor of the Resistograph Frank Rinn, designed to express objective evaluations in merit of tree stability.

Collaborated with C.N.R. of Trento (National Research Council) and the Polytechnical Institute of Turin on the project aimed at devising non-destructive tests for determining wood quality.

Member of the Italian team that presented the first classified work presentation at the International Society of Arboriculture Convention at Versailles in September 1995. Member of the I.S.A. (International Society of Arboriculture) since 1993

In merit of evaluating tree stability in quality of Agronomist performed cooperative role of coordination and planning management as a consultant throughout Italy.

Coordinated marketing assistance and training related to diagnostic instrumentation concerning evaluation of tree stability for the Heidelberg (Germany) based companies Deritec and IML.

• Name and address of employer – Dendrotec srl Via S. Fruttuoso, 2 Monza

• Type of business or sector – Consultancy and planning Group in Agronomy Special service business group for Arboriculture

• Occupation or position held – Managerial

• Main activities and responsibilities – Co-Owner of the company, planning, evaluation stability, assessment, work management, Freelance professional; Technical Director; Administrator





Degree in Agricultural Science obtained at the Faculty of Agriculture University of Milan Italy, obtained 105/110 graduating marks. Member of the Milan section of the Association of Agronomists from 1997 (inscription no. 909)

• Name and type of organization

providing education and training


Faculty of Agriculture University of Milan, Italy

Principal subjects/occupational

skills covered


Agronomy, Arboriculture, Technical Evaluation of Agricultural resources 

Title of qualification awarded


Degree in  Agricultural Science

• Level in national or international



Complementary Training

 (other courses attended)


Educational experiences

(even if not associated with title of study)


Enrollment in register


Association of Agronomists and Forestry in the province of Milan







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